Tuesday, July 24, 2012

When Evil Strikes

My life seems so unimportant in the aftermath of a terrible tragedy.  Friday at a midnight movie premier a young man consumed with evil and hatred opened fire on a theater full of people who were just out enjoying  themselves.  He killed 12 as they ran for their lives.  Including a little 6 year old girl.  I look at my three 6 year old grandchildren and try to imagine what it would do to me if their little lives were snuffed out at this age.  It is incomprehensible to me.  They are trusting and funny and loving.  They are without guile.

I know that our Father in Heaven welcomed that perfect little girl home to his arms and that she is being loved and cared for by those in her family who have gone before.  The wait to be reunited with her parents will be short for her but long and painful for them.   The rest of us have been left pondering the questions left.  Why there, why at all, How could it have been prevented?

We cannot stop evil no matter what we do.  It is there lurking in the shadows,  waiting to reach out and grab the unsuspecting.    They call for better gun control.  That will just mean that only those bent on doing Satan's business will be able to get guns and leave the rest of us woefully unprotected.  They ask if having someone armed in the theater could have saved lives.   An expert said that the shooter dressed in body armor could have only been taken out by an expert sniper and then it would have been difficult for them.

All we can do is live our lives to the fullest and be prepared by knowing we are leaving a legacy of love and goodness behind us.   If  my grandchildren and children  were to read this I want them to know that though I do not want to leave them for several more years,  I know that I will have lived a life that is exemplary for them.   I have worked hard, loved well, and treated all with kindness.  I have lived with no prejudice for race, creed or color and have never hated anyone.   I have not been perfect but have striven to always be better than I was.

I pray for the families who lost their loved ones and hope that they will find comfort in the lives their dear ones lived.

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